For those traveling outside Canada, and in case parents and grandparents coming to Canada, super visa with Travel shield is the best way to go. But don’t forget you need repatriation by Canadian insurance company valid for 365 days from the date of entry of Canada. Travel shield super visa insurance going to take care of your medical expenses in case a medical emergency happens. Here are answers to the frequently asked questions we get about Super Visa insurance:

What is the maximum amount of coverage?
It covers to a maximum amount from $25,000, $50,000, $100,000 or $150,000 covers ambulance, diagnostic services, hospitalization, hospital care, repatriation, dental emergencies, much more – which all of our plans can provide.
Is there an age limit?
Every insurance companies have different terms and conditions, we have plans available that can cover all ages.
How long does my coverage need to be?
You must be covered for 365 days
What happens if my visa is denied?
100% refund – If no Visa Granted for any reason before the effective date.
What happens if my visa is approved, but my travel dates change?
You get to choose – start date for the plan and you can always change the effective date before the start of the coverage.
If I leave Canada before the year is over,
can I get any money back?
Partial Refunds – In case
your parents decide to go back sooner than one year, a prorated refund is
available, provided NO CLAIM on the Policy.
If I am planning to stay in Canada for two
years, can I buy the insurance for two years?
No, policies can only be issued covered for 365 days, but you can renew
your plan for as much you want.
Will Super Visa insurance cover accidental dental & dismemberment?
Yes, up to $50,000 for loss of life, limb or sight of an insured person resulting directly from accidental injury.
Are pre-existing conditions covered?
Yes, Any sickness, injury or medical condition (other than a minor ailment) that existed prior to the effective date other than any heart condition, any brain condition, any lung condition and Any sickness for traveler age from 70 to 80, injury or medical condition that was stable in 180 days prior to the effective date
How are payments made?
By credit or debit card.
Is there any way to lower my insurance premium?
Yes! Lowest Premiums Guaranteed for similar benefits.
Travel Shield strongly believes that customers are the most important part of building any business and keeping customers satisfied can lead to sustaining loyal customers. Travel Shield is a leading supplier of Super Visa Insurance, Visitor’s Insurance, Travel Insurance, and International Student Insurance. Our products are underwritten by the Starr Insurance & Reinsurance Limited, (Canada Branch) or Berkley Canada. For more information, visit, call us at 1-800-360-3234 or email us at & 1-866-517-0606.